Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year in Falmouth

I am sure that the internet is crawling with blogs talking about new years and new starts.  It seems a good time to update things, share intentions.  It is my hope to use this blog more frequently in the coming year and hopefully get more of the congregation to follow it.  We'll see what the year brings.

Christ Lutheran is getting closer to making a decision about whether to adopt the structure that was proposed several months ago.  The language has been drafted and needs to be approved in a couple of weeks.  Anyone outside the church world reading this will probably think, "They didn't do that yet?"  Some folks in the church world will look at it say, "Wow.  They are moving right along." 

It's true that things take extra steps when you are working in the church, especially in any branch of the church that seeks to give authority to the people of the congregation and not just the pastors.  We have to get as many people as we can on the same page.  We have to explain the benefits, do the prep work and then wait for the vote.  In the midst of all of this we trust that the Holy Spirit is at work, shaping the process as we move in new directions.

So in a couple of weeks we may be talking about groups and teams instead of standing committees.  Again, those outside the church will be unimpressed, but for the congregation, I hope this represents a new start, seeking to minister in creative ways; seeking to have an impact on the local community; seeking to share good news in a new year.

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